
cancer treatments blog

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Safety of cancer treatment during pregnancy

Date :19-Jun-2024

Safety of cancer treatment during pregnancy


The safety of cancer treatment during pregnancy is an important issue since it entails balancing the health of the mother against the safety of the developing fetus. A combination of disciplinary approaches is necessary to address the unique problems presented by cancer diagnosed during pregnancy, in order to ensure the...

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Debunking Common Myths: The Real Facts About Cancer Everyone Should Know

Date :30-May-2024

Myths and facts about cancer

Cancer is a word that conjures up feelings of fear and anxiety. It's also frequently associated with myths and misunderstandings, which can add to the difficulty of a situation that is already challenging. Many people continue to have obsolete or inaccurate attitudes about cancer, despite advances in medical research and treatment. The way people approach...

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Advanced Cancer Treatment Options 2024

Date :17-Apr-2024

Advanced Cancer Treatment Options 2024

In 2024, the cancer treatment industry will change radically. It will be marked by compassion, creativity, and a strong dedication to better patient care. Each year, scientific discoveries and technology change how we diagnose and treat cancer. Patients now have many hopeful options. These range from precise medicines to immunotherapy....

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What is the Most Common Cancer in Women Worldwide?

Date :25-Mar-2024
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The word Cancer is not just a disease, but one of the most challenging and life-threatening phases of any individual’s life. It’s a time when a person needs immense emotional and physical support. Right medication and treatment are crucial during this phase, as are courage, hope and willpower, especially for women. Amongst many forms of cancer, there is one that stealthily affects...

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Common Myths and Facts on Skin Cancer

Date :26-Feb-2024

Common Myths and Facts on Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is a prevalent yet often misunderstood condition. No matter your skin colour, anyone can be affected by skin cancer. It is also one of the most preventable forms of cancer. The root cause of skin cancer is said to be excess sun exposure and tanning. There are many misconceptions about skin cancer which need to be addressed.


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Diagnostic Procedures for Esophageal Cancer

Date :29-Jan-2024

In the majority of cancer cases, a biopsy stands as the definitive method for confirming the presence of cancer in a specific area of the body. During a biopsy, the doctor extracts a small tissue sample for thorough analysis in a laboratory setting. In situations where a biopsy is not feasible, alternative tests may be recommended by the doctor to facilitate the diagnostic process.


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The Impact of Endometrial Cancer on Fertility and Reproductive Health

Date :15-Dec-2023

Cancer can be an unexpected chapter that one might come across in one's life. It’s a battle you need to fight with yourself, both physically and emotionally. This journey, which is filled with uncertainty and resilience, weaves through the most delicate threads of life's most intimate aspects. Today we’re going to talk about one such type of cancer that can challenge the environment...

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Living with Prostate Cancer: The Right Medication for Emotional and Psychological Support

Date :12-Dec-2023

Cancer is a journey beyond physical health. It is not just a battle of the body, but an emotional battle which involves emotional and psychological well-being. Being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer can take a toll on mental health. One is bound to feel sad, irritable and hopeless, paving the way to depression. Instilling hope and positivity during this phase is crucial and it is one of the key...

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Busting Myths on Breast Cancer: Know the facts

Date :28-Nov-2023
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Breast cancer is beyond a medical condition, it has become a topic that has been spreading awareness every day, a chapter that resonates well with individuals, families, and communities. This excruciating battle has touched hearts, spread awareness, and empowered people to take good control of their...

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Understanding Adult Breast Cancer

Date :27-Oct-2023

Breast cancer is beyond a medical condition, it has become a topic that has been spreading awareness every day, a chapter that resonates well with individuals, families, and communities. This excruciating battle has touched hearts, spread awareness, and empowered people to take good control of their health. Through this blog, we shall delve into the intricate...

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Battling and Surviving Pancreatic Cancer

Date :09-Oct-2023

A True story of strength and resilience

With every challenge in life, there lies an underlying force called willpower that never allows you to give up, no matter how dark a phase can get. Pancreatic Cancer is one such phase where one's health battles the darkest chapter. Known for being one of the most aggressive forms of cancer, Pancreatic Cancer is very difficult to treat and the...

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Triumphing Voice: A Teacher's Thyroid Cancer Journey

Date :01-Sep-2023

Sai (name changed), a teacher by trade, enjoyed his work. The 45-year-old was eager to share his enthusiasm for physics with young children. His job as a teacher demanded that he speak loudly in front of a large group of 50-60 students. It was critical that he speak loudly and clearly so that students in the back of the classroom could hear him. Thus, he found it very inconvenient when his...

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Surviving Breast Cancer: Tara's Journey from Diagnosis to Recovery

Date :24-Aug-2023
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Tara (name changed), a 36-year IT professional came to know about the self-breast examination at a cancer awareness program conducted in her office. She went home and tried the self-exam and was surprised when she found a lump in her right breast. Tara was referred to Dr. Shiva Kumar Uppala at Oncolndia, Bangalore by her family doctor. After conducting a battery of tests that included...

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3 Mistakes to Avoid During Breast Cancer Treatment: Insights from Dr. Shiva Kumar Uppala

Date :24-Aug-2023
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Dr. Shiva Kumar Uppala, the senior consultant surgical oncologist at 

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Bone Cancer

Date :24-Aug-2023
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Primary bone cancer is a type of cancer that originates in the bone tissue. This is a rare form of cancer. Most of the bone cancers that we see are secondary bone cancers i.e., cancer that originates in other tissues like the lungs, breasts, or prostate. Primary bone cancers are of different types. These include osteosarcoma, Ewing tumor, chondrosarcoma, undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma,...

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Surviving Misdiagnosis

Date :24-Aug-2023
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 After graduating from school, life did not pan out the way Gaurav (real name changed) had hoped. He had thought that going to college would be the highlight of his life, but it ended up being a nightmare. The nightmare began with the appearance of a lump on the left side of his neck. He had little time to think about it because he was so focused on the entrance exams. After enrolling in...

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Breast Cancer seen in young women

Date :17-Aug-2023

Breast cancer is frequently referred to as the cancer of older women because it is age-related. Age increases the likelihood of getting breast cancer. So, a 20 or 25-year-old need not worry about getting breast cancer, right? Wrong! Breast cancer can develop at any age, and younger women are also at risk, albeit slightly less so than women over 50, according to Dr. Shiva Kumar Uppala, the...

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Pregnancy Cancer

Date :09-Aug-2023

Pregnancy and childbirth are the happiest and most exciting times in a woman's life. Cancer, on the other hand, is the most feared disease in the world. What happens if both circumstances occur at once in...

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Oral Cancer

Date :09-Aug-2023

Do you have sores or cankers in your mouth that don’t go away even after 2 or 3 weeks? Do you have red or white patches on your mouth or lips? Do you experience pain in your tongue, throat, or ear? Does your voice sound hoarse or do you have difficulty swallowing? “if you answered yes to any of these...

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Immunotherapy for Renal Cancer

Date :09-Aug-2023

Dr. Shiva Kumar Uppala, the senior Oncologist at 

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Breast Cancer in young women

Date :09-Aug-2023

Breast cancer is frequently referred to as the cancer of older women because it is age-related. Age increases the likelihood of getting breast cancer. So, a 20 or 25-year-old need not worry about getting breast cancer, right? Wrong! Breast cancer can develop at any age, and younger women are also at risk, albeit slightly less so than women over 50, according to Dr. Shiva Kumar Uppala, the...

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self-breast examination

Date :09-Aug-2023

Tara (name changed), a 36-year IT professional came to know about the self-breast examination at a cancer awareness program conducted in her office. She went home and tried the self-exam and was surprised when she found a lump in her right breast. Tara was referred to 

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Ovarian Cancer

Date :08-Aug-2023

How much your mind can influence your cancer treatment?

Date :12-Mar-2020

Studies have suggested that, while optimism boosts overall mental health, longevity and quality of Life after diagnosis; there is no proof that the progression of cancer can be altered by being positive. A study in Australia reported that patients with a positive...

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Can breastfeeding reduce cancer?

Date :30-Jan-2020

Asset of breastfeeding

Feeding the baby helps the baby to have a healthy start in life. It is believed to be healthy not only for the baby but also for the mother as it is found out that breastfeeding can lower the risk of cancer. Read More

How Cancer Treatment Can Affect Your Eating?

Date :21-Oct-2019


Cancer, as well as its treatments, have unpredictable effects on your body and your appetite. The illness and its treatments may also alter your body's ability to tolerate certain foods and to use nutrients. Many people may experience eating problems during and after the treatments.

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The First Signs Of Breast Cancer To Look Out For

Date :05-Jul-2019

Knowing how your breasts feel and look in general is the first important step to breast health. Breast cancer detected at an early stage can be cured. Early detection of breast cancer leads to better chances of successful treatment. To detect changes in your breast you can go for self-breast examination. But screening tests help to detect breast cancer more easily...

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Smoking & Mouth Cancer

Date :20-Mar-2019

According to statistics, it says 6 out of 10 people suffering from cancer die due to excessive consumption of tobacco. Cigarettes and pipe tobacco are made from dried tobacco leaves. The smoke that releases from these cigarettes is a complex mixture of more than 7000 harmful chemicals among which 70 of them has proved to have carcinogenic elements.

One of the most common types of...

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Early signs of Ovarian Cancers

Date :22-Jan-2019

Ovarian cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer deaths in women. It refers to any sort of cancerous growth originating in the ovary. A lot of factors can result in ovarian cancer including age, reproductive history, and obesity. Most of the times if it is diagnosed at an early stage 94 percent of the patients can survive for a few years. It is highest in...

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